Friday, 25 November 2011

Life's A Beech

We took a lovely stroll through The Beechwoods, near Fulbourn.

It is still unseasonably warm for November.

Can it really be nearly Christmas?

Pippa doesn't think so!

And neither does Red!!

Monday, 21 November 2011

Girl Power

Red and Sheebah are best friends.

Soon Sheebah will be looking as slim as Red with all this running about!

Go girls!

Doggy Dancing

Gus, Dolly and Red enjoy very much a spot of dancing.

It's important to keep hydrated before a lot of exercise.

And away we go!


Who is this handsome fellow?

Paddi's Adventures

We went to stay with Paddi a few weeks ago and had lots of adventures.
 Above is when we went swimming by accident!

These are from a walk to Foxton with Max.
 Max and Paddi have great fun chasing about together.

But it does wear out their legs a bit!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Count Dogula

Happy Halloween!