Thursday, 21 July 2011

Little and Large

Dolly is growing up fast.

She and Pepsi are becoming fast friends.

Lots of adventures to be had together.

Lots of games too.

And lots of kisses!!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Stan The Man

Here is Stanley.

Such a sweet boy.

He reminds me of James The Cat.

What a happy, purry furry little fellow!


This is Bramble.
She is a Bichon Frise and quite the little diva!

Mum fell in love with her!
As did all who met her.

Shady Characters

These pics are of Pippa and Turner on one of our frequent trips to The Gog Magog Downs.

It was very warm this day so we decided to keep to the shade.

Turner was worn out by this point and took a well earned breather.

Dolly Day Dream

Really, you just can't find a cuter pup!!


Spike is our beautiful kitty cat.
She is nearly 4 years old.
 She splits her time between mine and my mum's house. 
She is not a big fan of dogs so when they come to visit she takes a holiday!!